86 Marine Parade Central
Do Applied Learning
By Epoch Talent Academy
DO Applied Learning
By Epoch Talent Academy
86 Marine Parade Central
Secondary School Parents: Did Your Child Score AT LEAST An A2 For SA2 Math?
The 7-Step A1 Math Blueprint
Discover A Potent Math Study Blueprint Proven To Help A Countless Number Of Students Improve By At Least 2 Grades (That’s Being Conservative) Within Months… Even If SA2 Results Were Average/Poor!
By Teacher Kiat Meng, Senior Math Specialist

I’ve been teaching Math for over 10 years.
Mostly in schools, and recently at a centre.
One glaring factor I noticed in my years in this industry, is that many students are still struggling with Math.
The same problem more than a decade ago, has not yet been solved.
Shockingly, teaching methods have not really evolved after all that time.
We’re still stuck in the “stone ages” when it comes to Math teaching methods.
Yet, the curriculum has increased a lot in complexity.
Its little wonder that your child did not score well (at least A2) for the recent SA2 Math exam!
After witnessing first-hand the sorry state of Math teaching standards, I decided one day that “Enough Is Enough”.
So, I quit my job at a school despite graduating from NIE with a Masters of Education, and decided to teach privately at DO Applied Learning by Epoch Talent Academy instead.

This is so as this will allow me more freedom to come up with my own unique and effective teaching methodology – My 7-Step A1 Math Blueprint.
(I’ll be sharing the exact 7 steps below)
Or if you prefer to discover how your child can benefit from this blueprint directly from me, register for a complimentary Secondary School Math Consultation (worth $150) and I’ll contact you to share more!
Schedule Your Child’s Free Consultation
(Worth $150)!
We look forward to adding your child to our growing list of Math success stories
After Using My 7-Step A1 Math Blueprint, My Students Have Made Tremendous Improvements In Their Math Results. See For Yourself:
Improved From D to A!
My A Math scores were terrible. I am thus grateful to have met Mr Cheng, as his dedicated teaching has helped to pull my grades up. He focuses on explaining the core concepts behind each chapter to help his students appreciate the topics better.
He also presents students with challenging practice questions after we have established foundation to help us push our limits like no one has done for me before. As a result I managed to score an A1 for Math.”
Jordan Lee, S4 Student,
Outram Secondary School
Improved From C to A!
“I did not have the confidence to handle Math questions in school. My fundamental knowledge was weak and I struggled to grasp basic concepts.
My mother was concerned about and got Teacher Kiat Meng to help me as he taught my elder brother previously. With his help, my results improved tremendously, and I finally achieved an A for Math at the O-levels.”
David Tan, S4 Student,
Bartley Secondary School
Improved From Barely Passing to Excelling in the IB Exam!
“My school teacher often skipped steps when teaching me. As a result I was confused as I found it hard to plug in the gaps. Since enrolling for classes with Teacher Kiat Meng however, that has changed. I was better able to handle math questions systematically and excelled in Math.
Due to his help, I successfully qualified for a place in NTU to study Political Science after completing my IB Diploma!”
Daniel Tan,
IB Graduate, School Of The Arts
Improved From D to A!
My A Math scores were terrible. I am thus grateful to have met Mr Cheng, as his dedicated teaching has helped to pull my grades up. He focuses on explaining the core concepts behind each chapter to help his students appreciate the topics better.
He also presents students with challenging practice questions after we have established foundation to help us push our limits like no one has done for me before. As a result I managed to score an A1 for Math.”
Jordan Lee, S4 Student,
Outram Secondary School
Improved From C to A!
“I did not have the confidence to handle Math questions in school. My fundamental knowledge was weak and I struggled to grasp basic concepts.
My mother was concerned about and got Teacher Kiat Meng to help me as he taught my elder brother previously. With his help, my results improved tremendously, and I finally achieved an A for Math at the O-levels.”
David Tan, S4 Student,
Bartley Secondary School
Improved From Barely Passing to Excelling in the IB Exam!
“My school teacher often skipped steps when teaching me. As a result I was confused as I found it hard to plug in the gaps. Since enrolling for classes with Teacher Kiat Meng however, that has changed. I was better able to handle math questions systematically and excelled in Math.
Due to his help, I successfully qualified for a place in NTU to study Political Science after completing my IB Diploma!”
Daniel Tan,
IB Graduate, School Of The Arts
You’re Probably Reading This Because Your Child’s Math SA2 Math Result Was Not Great. And Frankly, It Isn’t Surprising…

I know many highly-educated parents who’re successful professionals, but even they can’t comprehend some of the impossibly challenging theories and concepts found in their children’s Math textbooks!
Even adults have problems. Much less a child!
-> And That’s Not Even The Worst Thing…
The truth is that teaching standards in most schools have been stagnant for years. They’re still relying on outdated lesson plans that barely worked years ago, and are severely ineffective today.
Look at it this way. The Math curriculum is getting harder. However, standards of teaching have not improved. So what does that mean for your child?
Ans: Failure to understand and grasp those difficult concepts!
No wonder so many students are struggling with Math…
That’s why many parents turn to external tuition to provide their children with extra firepower to ace those Math exams.
Unfortunately, despite paying expensive tuition fees, many children are still not scoring good grades!
Don’t get me wrong… most tuition centres have fantastic teachers.
Nonetheless, they tend to make one major mistake when it comes to education -> that being:
Focusing On The Solution And Ignoring The Problem

They don’t identify what your child’s root problem is. They adopt a “one size fits all” approach. They teach, but they do not understand. Not really.
This is due to the fact that teaching is more than just standing in front of a class and following a lesson plan. That’s the lazy way to do things.
Effective teaching that gives results, is about finding the root cause of your child’s problem. Diagnose it. Treat it. Eliminate it.
Many tuition centres don’t do that. It’s sad but true.
Right now, you’re probably wondering: “How can I know if my child’s tuition centre is delivering the right kind of education?”
Simple. Only one way to tell: Results.
Think about this: Has your child’s Math results improved since you enrolled him/her in your current tuition centre or since he/she started tuition with his/her home tutor?
Has your child managed to effortless grasp even the most difficult most Math concepts and theories?
Has your child found the winning formula to ace stressful Math exams?
I’m guessing you answered no to those questions (which is why you’re here seeking a solution).
This means that your current tuition centre may not be the right choice.
This is especially important, with the new academic year ahead. There’s not much time left.
If change doesn’t happen soon, your child may enter into the unfortunate but vicious cycle of having Math grades that go from bad to worse, as the syllabus becomes even more complex with each passing semester.
But, I assume that since you’re still reading, you want, no…you need,
something better for your child, correct? If that’s the case…
Thank Heavens You’re Reading This!

This is because I’m about to reveal my proprietary 7-Step A1 Math Blueprint
that can accelerate your child’s learning process.
Before I do so though, have a look at how some of my students have benefited from it:
Improved From B to A!
“I lost a lot of marks both in E and A math due to improper presentation and a lack of general practice. Teacher Kiat Meng helped me to find my interest in math and due to this, I started to put in more effort in the subject.
As a result, I managed to achieve my As for both Math subjects at the O-level and successfully qualified to enter ACJC.”
Darren Tan, S4 Student,
Maris Stella Secondary School
Improved From D to B!
“I was extremely careless when it came to handling mathematics questions. As a result, I often lose marks in places where I should have done better. Under Teacher Kiat Meng’s guidance however, I soon developed a greater interest in mathematics as he explained the concepts using relatable examples in a manner which was easy to understand.
This allowed me to see significant academic improvements at the O-levels. Due to his help, I was able to qualify successfully for the Poly course of my choice.”
Jerald Tay, S4 Student,
Monfort Secondary School
Improved From D to B!
“I’m very lucky to have met Teacher Kiat Meng. His teaching is clear and effective. Before I started tuition with him, I had difficulty even passing the subject.
However, after using his teaching methods, I find it easier to understand the different concepts taught and can better handle my math practices done during lesson. As a result, my score has significantly improved!”
Esther Li,
Private O-Level Candidate
Improved From B to A!
“I lost a lot of marks both in E and A math due to improper presentation and a lack of general practice. Teacher Kiat Meng helped me to find my interest in math and due to this, I started to put in more effort in the subject.
As a result, I managed to achieve my As for both Math subjects at the O-level and successfully qualified to enter ACJC.”
Darren Tan, S4 Student,
Maris Stella Secondary School
Improved From D to B!
“I was extremely careless when it came to handling mathematics questions. As a result, I often lose marks in places where I should have done better. Under Teacher Kiat Meng’s guidance however, I soon developed a greater interest in mathematics as he explained the concepts using relatable examples in a manner which was easy to understand.
This allowed me to see significant academic improvements at the O-levels. Due to his help, I was able to qualify successfully for the Poly course of my choice.”
Jerald Tay, S4 Student,
Monfort Secondary School
Improved From D to B!
“I’m very lucky to have met Teacher Kiat Meng. His teaching is clear and effective. Before I started tuition with him, I had difficulty even passing the subject.
However, after using his teaching methods, I find it easier to understand the different concepts taught and can better handle my math practices done during lesson. As a result, my score has significantly improved!”
Esther Li,
Private O-Level Candidate
The 7-Step A1 Math Blueprint…
An in-depth look into this powerful system that can turbocharge your child’s understanding of increasingly difficult math concepts, and lead him/her into the promise land of Math exam success…fast!
Are you ready? Here we go…

Step 1: Having The Right Mindset
Our minds are the most powerful weapon we have, no matter what we do in life, and especially during exams. So first and foremost, your child needs to develop the right mindset for success.
We help to do this by setting goals. One over-arching goal, such as scoring an A1 for ‘O’ Level Math, and several other smaller and more easily achievable goals.
Such as getting all the answers right for a Math assignment, or not getting more than 3 wrong answers for a Math test paper.
This is to build up your child’s confidence bit by bit. Show him/her that Math is not the scary object they fear. Prove that they’re able to conquer it as long as they work hard and know the right study methods. Dispel any limiting beliefs they have so that they can simply focus on delivering on the process, rather than being intimidated by the outcomes.
Once your child has that confidence, it sets up a strong foundation for him/her to score high marks not just during the next exam, but for all future Math papers as well.

Step 2: Identify And Fix The Root Of The Problem
Why your child is not doing well at Math can usually be traced to 1 – 3 big problems. They can range from failure to understand basic Math fundamentals, inability to breakdown problem sums, wrong study methods etc.
These big problems are setting off a series of other problems. For example, not understanding basic fundamentals means even “sure can score” questions may be answered wrongly. It’s truly a vicious cycle!
Unless the root of the problem is identified and eliminated, your child will always face the same recurring problems over and over.
That’s why we’ll sit down with your child and go through an in-depth analysis to find out the root of the problem, so that we can eliminate it once and for all. After that, your child can focus on solutions to ace Math, rather than being held back by recurring problems.

Step 3: Plan Your Schedule
Next, we’ll come up with an action plan. A step-by-step, detailed and actionable strategy that makes the most of limited time.
We plan it at least 2-3 months before the exam. It may seem excessively long at first. But good habits need time to develop. So we start this early, and work with parents to ensure their children follow it to the best of their abilities.
How to plan this strategy/time table/schedule depends largely on the individual. There’s no hard and fast rule to follow.
But from our experience, it’s important to get a good mix of rest, play and study. We don’t want our students to “slack off” too much, but we also don’t want to overstress them with too much study time as well.

Step 4: Adopt A Balanced Strategy
Math is a varied subject with lots of different topics, such as fractions, algebra, trigonometry etc. Your child may be stronger at some, compared to others.
In contrast to what most parents and even some teachers think, it’s more beneficial to still include practices for your child’s strong topics, and not neglect it.
I’m also not saying that we ignore the weaker topics. Instead, we implement a balanced strategy for your child, so that he/she can score better as a whole.
In some cases, this involves enabling your child to achieve ultimate mastery over topics he/she is good at first, before moving on to the not-so-good ones; thereby, providing him/her with a well-rounded Math education.
Many parents and teachers do it the other way round. They spend so much time on the weaker topics, they neglect the stronger ones. As a result, students forget what they already know, and may even up losing marks in those areas they were supposedly stronger in too.
At the same time, it is quite often the case that students still fail to master the weaker topics despite focusing so much time on them. Consequently, they become frustrated and uninterested instead.
By adopting a balanced strategy, we avoid this outcome and ensure that your child can use the momentum gained initially to master all other areas of Math.

Step 5: Archive Your Progress
It’s extremely important to keep track of your child’s progress. That’s because it’ll allow us to track what study methods work best on him/her.
When we get a new student, we often do a simple test over a period of around 2 weeks, to determine what kind of study method works best on him/her.
All our methods have been proven to get results. But depending on the individual, some methods work better than others.
So if your child shows tremendous improvement during a particular period, note it down and tell us. That means that one of our methods is working well. We can then help plan your child’s study plan more effectively to see even better and faster results.

Step 6: Reduce Careless Mistakes
Careless mistakes in exams are extremely harmful. And it’s such a pity too. Because your child is basically throwing marks (and your money) down the drain.
Unfortunately, many students seem unable to cut out these basic errors. Even after being told to “double-check” or even “triple-check” by their teachers. Actually, that’s not the best way to reduce careless mistakes.
There’re a few ways to do it better, but the simplest one you can tell your child to get started on immediately, is to write legibly and clearly in a sequential manner. We’ve seen students with handwriting worse than a doctor’s and with steps written all over the place.
Sometimes, even they themselves can’t understand what they write, and end up wasting precious time trying to recap what they have already analysed!
By improving the way they organise their thought process, your child can have a clearer picture of their answers. This is especially important during problem sums, where every step needs to be documented precisely.
It’ll give your child greater clarity and understanding, allowing him/her to drastically reduce careless mistakes.

Step 7: Conditioning For Exams
You know why schools and office buildings have fire drills? It’s to prepare the students and workers to follow the right processes in the event of a real fire.
Similarly, we prepare students for exams by simulating exam conditions for them. We give them a test paper and give them a time period to complete it. Rules, regulations and conditions will follow the real exam as closely as possible.
This is to condition your child to have the discipline and concentration to finish a Math exam paper within the time period.
Giving homework, while beneficial, may not be enough. They can complete it within their own time, and can double check their textbooks to confirm their answers.
During exams, your child won’t be able to do that. So by simulating exam conditions as closely as possible, we’re giving your child the mental capacity to score high marks, even in restrictive exam settings.
Want To Find Out How Exactly The 7-Step A1 Math Blueprint
Can Be Applied To Your Child’s Math Exam Success?
Register For A Complimentary Secondary School Math Consultation & Enable Your Child To Improve By 2 Grades Or More ASAP!
Can you see how your child can benefit from this?
When your child applies this system to his/her study process…
Even The Most Challenging Math Problems Will
Be Considered “Chicken Feet”!

Without a proper system to learn and revise, your child will probably remain mediocre at Math. Barely passing exams. Perhaps even failing them time and time again. Your child may even be the “cautionary tale” other parents warn their kids about!
E.g. “You must study hard and not be like Peter! His results are always so poor!”
Don’t let your child be the warning. I’m sure it doesn’t feel good… your child being talked about like that…
That’s Why I’m Here To Help

I hope you benefited from the 7-Step A1 Math Blueprint I shared above. You can already start teaching your child to adopt those habits, and I’m sure he/she will see improvements in no time.
However, unless you’re a trained and experienced educator, it may be a challenge to get your child to successfully adopt those methods. There’re too many nuances I can’t possibly explain here, as much as I want to.
It’ll be much easier if I can explain my system to you in person, face-to-face, after I understand more about your child’s situation.
So here’s what you can do:
1) Scroll to one of the forms located throughout this page (there’s one directly below this section).
2) Fill in some simple details, and I’ll contact you to schedule your complimentary Secondary School Math Consultation (worth $150).
3) Come down to our centre on your appointment date, and discover how our 7-Step A1 Math Blueprint can be customised to improve your child’s maths results fast.
Schedule Your Child’s Free Consultation
(Worth $150)!
We look forward to adding your child to our growing list of Math success stories
Hope to see you soon, and looking forward to share more with you!
To Your Child’s Math Exam Success,
Teacher Kiat Meng,
Senior Math Specialist
DO Applied Learning By Epoch Talent Academy
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